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1. Emergency medical expenses:

One usually travels abroad for various reasons- a pleasure trip, a business trip or a study trip . You do not want anything to ruin your hard earned holiday, foreign study or your crucial business meeting. But there is a possibility of some unexpected occurrence no matter how perfect the planning is. Unfortunate events such as a medical emergency or an accident can affect you. Having Overseas Travel Insurance protects you from all such perils. It ensures that in the unknown foreign land, you are not left stranded in any kind of a medical emergency.

Medical Expense Coverage will cover you for accidents and emergency medical and dental care when you travel abroad. Overseas Travel Insurance plans cover outpatient, in-patient, medical aid, therapies and diagnostic tests costs incurred due to illness or accident. Read more

2. Loss or Delay of Baggage or Personal Documents:

Some of the most common and annoying holiday disasters involve personal possessions, such as delayed /lost baggage, lost passports and damaged gadgets. Loss of baggage or documents can seriously upset your travel plans but with an appropriate travel insurance plan, you can have some peace of mind. Travel insurance provides you coverage for loss of baggage, delay of baggage, loss of passport etc up to a specified limit mentioned in the policy document. Read more

3. Trip Cancellation

You may have planned your trip to the minutest detail, made all the travel and hotel bookings and are all set to go. But a last minute emergency or an unforeseen event may cause you to cancel your trip. This would result in a substantial financial loss because of non refundable expenses already made. Trip Cancellation Coverage reimburses you for pre-paid, non-refundable expenses if you need to cancel your trip before you depart for reasons specified in the policy terms and conditions and up to the limits specified in the policy document. Read more

4. Travel/Trip Delay

Even at the last minute, your vacation plans may go awry due to an unforeseen strike or inclement weather, delaying your trip and keeping you from getting somewhere important, whether a special family event, a vacation, or a business meeting. Such an incident proves not only stressful, but also expensive, since you have to bear additional expenses for accommodation, food, and medicines.

A trip delay insurance will provide you reimbursement for additional transportation costs or additional expenses for meals and lodging should your flight be delayed by inclement weather or other covered reasons. Read more

5. Accidental Death and Dismemberment

Travel is fun and exciting. Wherever you visit, exciting experiences await and so do many new adventures; however along with new adventures, there can also be risks. Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) insurance is something nobody wants to think about. But it can help your loved ones to be financially secure if an accident does happen while overseas.

There is no way to predict if an accident will occur and AD&D insurance coverage is an important part of protecting your family if you were to become permanently disabled or die prematurely while traveling. Read more

6. Emergency Evacuation/Repatriation

Overseas emergency medical evacuation services or Repatriation Services are extremely rarely needed, but they can be extremely expensive if such a need does arise. Most of the insurers offer this coverage as part of medical expenses coverage while a few have a limit on the amount of coverage for medical evacuation and/or repatriation of remains. Read more